Together Again: So Glad He Was Chipped!

Recently one of my rescue kittens that had been adopted was found due to his microchip. Since McLovin had been adopted by a young man, I did not know he was lost until he was found by his microchip. Unbeknownst to me, McLovin had been given away to a neighbor by his adopter when the young man moved and could not take him with him. I found this out after the fact since the one thing I had asked the adopter to do for me was, if for any reason he could not keep McLovin, he would contact me and I would take him back, no questions asked. For whatever reason he did not do this. I don’t know if the neighbor let him out accidentally or if he got lost, but a very kind couple found McLovin near their business and took him home to care for him for several months before having him checked for a microchip. That is when the vet called me because he was still registered to me which is why I had left it that way. Since the couple had an aggressive dog they could not keep McLovin although they loved him. I am grateful to the couple that found McLovin and the vet that checked for a microchip and contacted me. McLovin is now home with me safe and sound due to him being chipped.