Together Again: REUNITED!❤️❤️

Lightning managed to find the perfect time on July 28th to dart out our back patio door. Upon realizing he’d gotten out I began the steps to bring him home. Searching the area, flyers, posters, alerting neighbors, etc. He stayed around a few days and then was chased away by a stray. He then disappeared for a few weeks. The other day I received a phone call stating a neighbor believes she’d seen him. We decided to place food and a camera at hers and my units. He came to mine and ate. We chose to set the trap and here we are! He’s finally home after 42 days. Though he is chipped, his chip didn’t bring him back but nonetheless I can say after this I’m grateful for PetLink and the invaluable service they provide for so many pet owners.
I’m so glad she’s ok, I pray her babies are safe as well.
Arlene Rice:
So happy for you. It is an AWEFUL feeling, you don’t know if they are hurt. My cat was missing for only 3 days but in a snow storm, I thought she would die from the weather. Nope but she gave birth to four babies. 🙂 🙂