Together Again: Phoebe’s Back After 11 YEARS!

In 2011 my wife and I adopted 2 little gray kittens. We named them Luna and Phoebe. They got along great for the first few months, but when they were about 6 Months old Luna (the alpha) started becoming aggressive towards Phoebe. At first she would just hiss and swat at Phoebe, but as they got older Luna would chase and attack poor Phoebe. We did our best to protect her, sometimes locking Luna in a different room so Phoebe could feel safe. In 2012 when they were about 1 year old, Phoebe went missing! For weeks and months we looked for her and hoped she would show up, but she never did. Eventually we had to accept that she was gone, but we always wondered what had happened to her and hoped that she was ok.
On September 5th 2023 I received an e-mail from PetLink saying that a pet had been found that had a microchip that had come from the same box as Luna’s. They wanted to know where Luna had been chipped and I told them where to the best of my recollection. Three days later, we got the news that Phoebe had been found! We couldn’t believe it! After 11 years, Phoebe was coming home! Both Luna and Phoebe had been microchipped, but somehow Phoebe’s was never registered to us. Much thanks to for capturing her and keeping her safe until we could be found, and much thanks to PetLink for their amazing detective work in figuring out where Phoebe belonged, despite her microchip not being registered. Phoebe is now safe and back with her family after all these years. It’s kind of a miracle really!