Together Again: PetLink Brings Snoopy Back Home
Being a Beagle, our dog Snoopy has escaped numerous times. We were fortunate; he was either returned to us by neighbors or we found him in the neighborhood. We kept saying “We need to have him microchipped.” One day, Snoopy escaped and did not have his collar on. We looked for him and also posted Lost Dog signs. Thinking our luck was out, we concluded he was gone and I started crying and saying “Why did we not get him chipped!!?” A couple of hours later, Snoopy walked up to our front door. We learned that, again, a neighbor had found him. The neighbor was putting up fliers when Snoopy escaped from the backyard.
That was enough luck. The next day, we took him to the vet to get him microchipped. The chip paid off when my husband was on the computer recently and received an email message from PetLink stating Snoopy had been found and was at a nearby clinic. We had no idea Snoopy was even missing!!!! Within a few minutes, we also received a call from the vet’s clinic and one from PetLink. We were reunited a short time later. Thank you PetLink for bringing our Snoopy back home!!!