Together Again!
Heart-warming pet reunification stories. Tell us your story today!
PetLink Collar Gets Layla Home!
Layla, my German Shepherd, loves to explore and follow her sibling Dollie around any chance that she gets. After spending money on an invisible fence with collars for each of them, I thought our worries were over. Needless to say, you really do need to put the collars on the dogs for this concept to…
Escape Artist!
I was at work last weekend and left my husky in the care of my mother in law. I was doing something around the shop and heard my phone ring. It was a text alert from PetLink saying that Dahlia had been found. I had no idea she had even managed to get out of…
Poochi’s Second Chance
After running off twice, Poochi gets back home much quicker than before thanks to her PetLink microchip
Pint-Sized Pit Bull Scales Six-Foot Fence!
No effort spared when PetLink needs to reunite you with your pet