Together Again: Lucy, You’ve Got Some ‘Splainin’ to do!

Our sweet Irish Setter, Lucy, ran away on November 18th, 2019. That same day we were reunited with her in about an hour after she got loose. My son and I have just moved into a new house in a new town. It was the 1st day our dogs were at the house. Lucy saw a squirrel outside and jumped on the screen door and was able to push it open and chase after the squirrel. My son and I walked around the neighborhood looking for her with no luck. Within an hour of Lucy getting out I received an email from PetLink that Lucy had been found. A Good Samaritan had found Lucy and taken her to the local vet were they scanned Lucy and were able to locate her PetLink chip. Thank You PetLink! There are no words how much this will always mean to us.
That’s one of my fears while getting ready to move.
I would be heartbroken if my Bailey was missing even for a minute.
So glad you found her so quickly.
Michele Kilbourne:
That’s why all my corgis have been chipped. A breeder friend retired her best Champion male corgi at 5 years to a close friend. All seemed fine. 5 YEARS later, she gets a call from a vet across the city of Denver that they have an old sick dirty corgi turned in. They were going to euthanize him but checked for a chip. It was her beloved male, now 10 years old! Did she want to pick him up or continue as they planned. She raced to get him, obviously not cared for in a long time. (Most teeth broken, rotting or missing, jaw broken, ears infested, nails grown around pads, numerous lacerations, much more) I adopted him. A year later he was a happy healthy handsome corgi back strutting in the show ring, with his endearing crooked smile. That sweet boy was just shy of 16 when he earned his wings to The Rainbow Bridge.
Heather Brooks:
The title is wonderful! So glad you and Lucy are together again!