Together Again: Lucy, come home!

We let Lucy out to go potty next thing we knew she was gone.
We went all over looking and calling for her no Lucy. It felt like it was getting cool out and no Lucy. I put up a post on Facebook for everyone to keep an eye open for her but the next day I had heard nothing. I re-shared the information on Facebook in hopes someone had found her. I finally got a message from PetLink to call them because someone had found Lucy. I called PetLink and gave them my information and Lucy’s information. They explained someone had found her and turned her over to the pet rescue the rescue had a scanner and found the phone number for PetLink. PetLink gave them my information and phone number in turn they call me. I now thanks to PetLink and the Rescue Center have my little girl home again safe and sound.
I am so thankful I have her chipped if I didn’t my Lucy would of been gone forever. Thank you PetLink for helping to get my Lucy home safe and sound.
Thats a mix of sad and cute