Together Again: It’s a miracle

About a year and a half ago I lost my Reginald. In the process of moving I had him in a crate outside. I went inside to rearrange some things , the corner I tucked him would be safe. Well the worst thing that could have happened, happened happened: a neighbor’s dog got at the crate and tried to tear it open. When I came out to find Reginald was gone and blood was all over the crate. The dog’s owner was angry with me because I had him to close to his yard and that his dog was injured and he didn’t see if he got to my cat or not. I thought the unthinkable happened and the owner lied and he killed him. I thought I’d never see him again and was devastated.
Two days ago I got the best email I could ever ask for. Because Reginald was chipped he was able to come back to me. If it wasn’t for PetLink I more then likely would have never seen him again. Thank you PetLink!
Janice R.:
Thank you PetLink for the advice on moving with a pet. I will be moving sometime in the next 6 weeks into a retirement community. While Sweetie, my senior companion, has not tried to go out, fear of the unknown and noise may cause her to “escape”.
I had a similar incident with my cat while getting ready to move, but it was just a close call. We were having a garage sale & moving the last things out of the house. My cat, Luna McTuna, was closed up in my bed room so as not to get away. When I went in there to get the old recliner I couldn’t find her & was afraid she had got out. She’s a great hider but couldn’t find her. We put the recliner out on the front lawn to sell & kept looking for her. A customer sat in the recliner & liked it. Someone said maybe we should look inside the chair. Sure enough she was inside under the seat cushion. Had to extricate her & carry her back into the house & got scratched. She almost went in the chair in the truck with the buyer! – Close call !
Gone for a year and a half?! So happy you have him again! Amazing. Thank you Andrew, for being KIND. Now’s not the time to question what happened in the chaos of a move, now’s the time to REJOICE!
And that dog-owner was a jerk.
I am just a little confused as to why the crate was left outside with your baby in it. Happy to know you got him back.
Andrew B:
No use judging over spilt milk! Come on now.
Very glad this handsome puss eventually got back home!
Just a little confused as to why there always has to be a passive aggressive comment. Please recognize —-Moving is chaotic, no one is perfect, the crate was on her property, and following up a snarky question with a congratulatory comment does not camouflage your intent.
Melissa Wisenbaker:
I don’t understand people like that. If it had been my dog, I would have been so apologetic and I would feel so bad. A miracle indeed. 🙂
Dianne Valdez:
Melissa you are absolutely correct. Also her cat was in his yard. The neighbors dog was not. A very scary situation!
Melissa Wisenbaker:
I don’t understand people like that. If it had been my dog, I would have been so apologetic and I would feel so bad. I am glad he is home. A miracle indeed. 🙂