Together Again: Gone missing twice

Nova loves to sneak out the house, no matter how hard I try to keep him in. The first time he went missing some one took him from our yard, he was found after getting out from the person who took him. After bringing him home he was good for a few weeks then he got out again. After 2 months I got a call from the humane society in the next state over that they had him. So he is once again home thanks to his microchip!
Good to know he was found! I know how cats love to be outside. I had always been an indoor / outdoor cat owner myself. Not all cats do well outside though so I’ve kept the ones inside that I knew were not educated enought to be outside. With that being said, and having raised about ten cats over my lifetime, I believe the phrase “first they played, then they STRAYED, then they stayed” is true. Once your cat is a senior, he will probably be just content watching all those birds he used to want to chase after, from his perch on the couch!