Together Again: Found in less than 2 hours!

We had left the back door open while cooking dinner, and Violet decided to go explore, which she usually does not do. She usually just wants to be around us at all times. When we realized she wasn’t in the house, we immediately started combing the neighborhood. I received a text from PetLink saying that Violet was found, which surprised me since I hadn’t reported her missing yet. It had only been about an hour and 30 minutes!
I called the number provided in the text, and the rep (so friendly!) connected me with the woman who found Violet. And to be readily available late in the evening? How often does that happen? Violet was wandering around her yard, she took her in, gave her some treats and belly rubs. It just happened that her friend is a volunteer for an organization that reports lost dogs, and she has a microchip scanner! I was able to walk to her house and get Violet. PetLink was so helpful in reconnecting us, and this couldn’t have been an easier process.
A great combination of luck, wonderful/caring neighbors, and a great organization like PetLink. Thank you, thank you, thank you!