Together Again: Coltrane Returns

I had Coltrane microchipped in 2010 when he was 2 months old while I was living in the DC metro area. December 2012, while on a temporary project in Jacksonville, FL I had to travel back to DC on business. My sister asked if Coltrane could stay with her in Daytona as opposed to being boarded in Jax. I agreed and 2 days later she called to say that she had lost him. I cut my trip short, gathered a few friends & family and we searched for him while putting flyers up thru out the Daytona Beach area.
I eventually relocated to the Daytona Beach area in hopes of finding him. On November 2, 2017 at 5:50, I received a phone call from the Halifax Humane Society stating that a “poodle type” dog had been turned in by animal control a few days ago and my contact information came up when he was scanned.
Carolyn Rybacki:
WOW!!! So happy you got your buddy back finally.
Thanks so much Carolyn!
Lisa Jones:
That is amazing! What a reunion!
Cycily Thomas:
Thanks so much Lisa!
deb hendrickson:
Coltrane was missing for 5 years! Wow! That had to be like ‘twilight zone’ when he first came back to you. Wonder what he was up to for so long. I’m happy for you both that he made it back.
Cycily Thomas:
Yes Deb, FIIIIIIIVE YEEEAAARRRRSSSSS! I still can’t believe it…twilight zone is an understatement. Believe it or not, I actually connected with one of the families he was with for 3 of the five years. Thanks so much!