Get Up and Go! Why Walking Your Dog is so Beneficial for You (and Them!)

Author: Lauren Piandes

It’s Walk the Dog Month! You might be thinking, “hang on, why would we have walk your dog month during one of the coldest months of the year?” While it might seem strange, it’s the perfect time to find extra inspiration to get out of the house and take your dog for an adventure in […]

From Food to Travel: Protecting Your Pets During Thanksgiving Festivities

Author: Lauren Piandes

Thanksgiving is almost here, can you believe it? While we get ready for food, parties, and travelling, we need to keep our pets in mind! Here are the ways we can prepare ourselves and our pets for Thanksgiving:   First Things First: The first thing to do before any holiday party, travel, or pet-sitting event […]

Including Your Pet in Your Emergency Plans for Disaster Preparedness Month

Author: Lauren Piandes

September is Disaster Preparedness Month! Our pets depend on us to keep them safe, so we must remember to consider them when creating emergency plans. We’ve compiled some tips to help you to build your own emergency kit and plan at home:   Prepare an Emergency Kit that Includes Pet Supplies When you’re planning a […]

Spring Cleaning and Care for your Pets

Author: Lauren Piandes

It’s almost spring again! As we prepare for the warmer months around the corner, here’s how you can prepare your pet for spring and summer:   Watch Out for Open Windows and Doors The weather is getting warmer, and you’re likely itching to throw open the windows and air-out your home. When doing this, remember […]

Spring Training with Your Dog

Author: Holly Lewis

It’s Spring Training! What better way to celebrate the warmer season than perfecting tricks and training with your dog? We’ve teamed up with Holly Lewis, owner of Cold Nose Canine in Milwaukee, to help give some tips (and tricks!) on how to make the most of training with your pooch.   Holly Lewis: Spring is […]

Spring Cleaning and Decor for Cat Owners

Author: Lauren Piandes

For cat owners, everyday might be a cleaning day. However, while you’re prepping for warmer weather it is important to get in a real good clean for your cat! Here are some ways you can prepare your kitty for spring:   Check Your Cat’s Microchip Information Need a new photo of your perfect angel? Is […]

Holiday Safety with PetLink in 2020

Author: Lauren Piandes

The holidays are fast approaching and 2020 is finally ending! While the festivities might be quieter than normal, you may still choose to get in the spirit with the people you live with or with those in your social bubble. Even small celebrations could be hazardous to pets, so here are some ways that you […]

4 Ways Your Pet Brings Wellness to Your Life

Author: Lauren Piandes

Pets are incredible, aren’t they? They bring so much joy to our lives and fill us with unconditional love, but did you know they can also provide additional health benefits? Here is a list of why having a pet positively affects us and brings wellness into our lives:   Pets decrease anxiety, depression, and loneliness […]

How to Introduce a Dog to a New Home

Author: Lexi Klinkenberg

Moving to a new home ranks right up there among life’s super-stressful events. This also holds true for your dog. New rooms, unfamiliar smells, a new yard, and a neighborhood of new people and pets. introducing your dog to a new home can all be very exciting — but also overwhelming. While you may have […]